Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Sergio Odeith: Street Art with a High WOW Factor

 Street art is provocative (think Banksy) or delightful (think David Zinn and his whimsical menagerie.) It's also so realistic and large to extract a "wow" factor from viewers if the artist is Sergio Odeith (1976-) Like Zinn, Odeith creates 3-dimensional art when viewed from a certain angle.



Odeith grew up in Portugal and is entirely a self-taught artist. His fascination with shading and perspective started at an early age. He also started using spray paints as a youngster. Like most kids, his first outdoor works were illegal works on street walls and railway lines. As he improved his skills, he began to paint large murals, especially in poorer Portugal neighborhoods

Continuing to be fascinated by perspective, Odeith evolved a technique he named, "sombre 3D." It involves using angles, lines and shadows to create a very realistic 3-D effect. Additionally, the realistic animals, bugs and spiders are scarily large.

 His large murals led to contracting with companies such as Samsung and Coca-Cola, among others, including soccer teams and municipalities all over Europe and the United States.



All this from a gifted artist, who dropped out of school at 15 to pursue his creativity in his own way. As Odeith said in an interview, "Keep working hard, chase your dreams and never give up."

  (Below is an example of how he turns a wall into another object.)