Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Opening Night Par-tee!

Arriving before the crowd, we watched as the catering company set up the delicious food (including some sensational toffee cookies - yum!) and the wine bar. Two early arrivals - Jan and Jessica - presented a lovely card and a pot of gorgeous yellow daisy. (Click on images to enlarge)

The walls of the stately gallery were dotted with all these bright, colorful paintings. The lighting was just perfect. Each piece was highlighted like an aura with soft cast shadows beyond the frame.

So many friends showed up. Most had made a 2.5-3 hour round trip to help me celebrate. For friends Mike and Karen, it was a 6-hour round car ride. (They tried to claim a phantom prize for having made the longest trip. They had to capitulate as it was Birdie from Vermont who planned her vacation around the event.) A shout out to the ladies who designated the exhibit as a "road trip" as soon as I announced that I was having a showing.

Finally, to those who came to help mark this event and those who wished they could, YOU are my inspiration.


  1. It looks like a great time and great art. Wish I could have come. len

  2. That looked like a wonderful time. Congrats! You are very cool doing your art. Thanks for sharing with those of us who didn't come. Katie

  3. How lovely!! Kate

  4. Glad it was a great success. You worked hard and deserve it.

  5. Congratulations on your opening and the happy friends who celebrated with you! MS

  6. The photos of the pictures is fabulous. We were so much there in spirit MAR

  7. Loved the party it was great fun! KD

  8. Glad it went so well. Fran

  9. Looks like you had fun! Good job! JB

  10. Wonderful exhibit! Nice mix of art, food, wine, people, conversation ... and treats at the boutique! Thank you for giving me a five-star event around which to plan my vacation. Well worth the journey!
