Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Paul Osborne Jones: Flora Teacher, Painter, Print Maker

Hard to believe, but very much in keeping with Pacific Northwest weather, we had a terrible ice storm. (aka "Icepocalypse") For about one week, it was too risky to drive or walk. The silence from children indoors and cars parked were almost eerie. 


A week later, our warmth is such that early Spring flowers are blooming. So far, Daphnes, Jonquils, and Daffodils have all poked out.Yet, much of the country remains in the throes of winter. 



For all, let's celebrate an early Spring with an master artist of flora. The artist is Paul Osborne Jones (1921-1998) of Australia - a country presently in the middle of Summer.



Jones was an art teacher, painter and print maker. He studied at both technical and art schools. After completing his schooling, he worked as a commercial artist for a department store until 1941 when he enlisted to fight in WW2. Part of his service time was spent in New Guinea, which was inspirational to Jones, who loved painting flora.

It was in an exhibition of his flower paintings that he caught the eye of a botanist, who hired Jones to illustrate two books. In the 1970s, he would author his own two books: Flora Superba and Flora Magnifica


He also worked for the UN, as a forest and forestry planner. For all his kudos, he would be granted the OBE for his services to art. Well done, Master Jones! (Please note: His use of negative space is quite good)




  1. These are so beautiful! A combination of old masterpieces with modern touches
